Generic Terminology Model

ETS uses a generic terminology model that captures the essential features of disparate terminology systems. The generic terminology model provides:

  • Real-time access to terminology content.
  • A generic API that provides basic terminology services for all terminologies.
  • A data model for custom terminologies.

Terminologies are represented in ETS as Coding Schemes. A Coding Scheme is a generic structure that contains terminology meta-data, such as name, description, and active versions. Actual terminology content is loaded and stored in a Coding Scheme Version. Names of Coding Scheme Versions are decided by the user and are specified when the version is loaded. You can load new Coding Scheme Versions as required. For Coding Schemes that have multiple versions, exactly one version can be designated as default. Note that editable terminologies have only one version; Concepts in an editable terminology can be modified without loading a new version.

A Coding Scheme Version contains a definite set of Concepts, Descriptions, Attributes, and Relationships. A concept is the basic unit of information in a coding scheme version: It corresponds to a specific unit of meaning in the native terminology. Every concept has a Concept Code, which is the code given to it by the terminology. ETS identifies concepts and other ETS components (Descriptions and Relationships) using a system-generated identifier called ETS ID. Concepts (and other components) from different versions of a terminology have different ETS IDs, as the concept code may not correctly identify a concept in a different version.

A concept may have one or more textual descriptions. ETS supports multiple descriptions for a concept in the languages supported by that coding scheme version – whether defined by the terminology, or added later by the user. For concepts that have multiple descriptions, exactly one description must be designated as the preferred description for every language supported by the Coding Scheme Version. All other descriptions of a given language, associated with that concept are designated as synonyms. An application may use specific descriptions for designated contexts. This is done by defining Usage Contexts and associating local descriptions to those contexts.

Managing Usage Contexts

Usage Contexts let an HDR solution specify and determine which concept list or local description (of a specific ETS concept) should be used in a given application context. Usage contexts are an attribute of concept lists and local descriptions. A user may specify a usage context when a concept list or a local description is created or later.

When accessing a concept list or local description, HDR solutions may specify a usage context. Based on the specified usage context, HDR retrieves a matching concept list or local description. For example, a Utilization Review department may require diagnoses to be displayed as short names or abbreviations. For this to be implemented in HDR, first a usage context with a name such as Utilization Review must be created. Then, the required local descriptions (short names or abbreviations) with the Utilization Review usage context can be created for the appropriate concepts. Subsequently, applications developed for the department can use ETS APIs with the Utilization Review usage context to display the required local descriptions.

Each local description of a concept must have a single usage context that is unique for that concept. If a local description is assigned a usage context and a local description for that concept already exists with the same usage context, the operation succeeds—but the usage context is removed from the first local description.

A usage context can similarly be used by a concept list. associated with an organization can by an application. For example, a healthcare enterprise might have a concept list of medical services called ENT_MED_SERVICES. A hospital owned by the enterprise may require a specialization of that concept list that contains a subset of the original values. For this to be implemented in HDR, first create a usage context with a name such as Fair Oaks, and associate it with a hospital unit. Then, a specialization of the ENT_MED_SERVICES concept list can be created, with a name such as FAIR_OAKS_MED_SERVICES, and associated with the Fair Oaks usage context.

Use ETS API to manage usage context.

Associating a Usage Context with an Organization

Use the following method to associate a usage context with an organization:


A Relationship represents a directed relation between two concepts: from a source concept to a target concept. Relationships can be defined between concepts in the same Coding Scheme Version. These are usually provided as part of the terminology itself.

The generic terminology model serves as the base for a number of standard-based terminologies for which ETS provides special support. These terminologies are referred to as core terminologies in HDR. The following terminologies are referred to as core terminologies in ETS:

  • FDB4
  • HL7 v3 Code Systems (Seeded)

Special support for core terminologies is in the form of:

  • Terminology-specific APIs (in addition to the generic APIs).
  • Specific loaders (and associated integrity checking) for loading the terminologies into ETS.

As core terminologies are based on the generic terminology model, they support all features of generic terminologies, such as local descriptions, usage contexts, equivalence, attributes, and cross maps. However, core terminologies are not editable: new Coding Scheme Versions have to be loaded and activated to update the terminology content.


The following terminologies supported by ETS cannot be designated as editable. They are created as non-editable by default when ETS is installed:
  • CPT4
  • FDB4
  • HCPCS-2
  • HL7 v3 Code Systems (Seeded)
  • ICD-10
  • ICD-9-CM-DRG
  • ICD-9-CM-MDC
  • ICD-9-CM-V1
  • ICD-9-CM-V3

Although editable coding schemes can be updated using ETS APIs, editable coding schemes cannot be updated by loading a new version, because they can have only one version.


Do not attempt to load new versions for an editable coding scheme, other than the original version.

Verify Different Terminology Versions Using Change Files

Change files are used to document the differences between successive versions of a terminology that are loaded into ETS, in a format that is acceptable for loading purposes. Change files are loaded at the same time as the terminology version data using the same loader and importer. Change files contain the following types of information:

  • Reassignment: The meaning of one concept is occasionally reassigned to another concept represented by a different concept code. Following are some of the situations in which reassignment occurs:

    • Duplicate concepts are detected. One of them is elected to continue representing the meaning while the other is retired or deleted and reassigned to the retained concept.
    • A concept is detected to be erroneous. The erroneous concept is retired or deleted and reassigned to a correct concept.
    • The classification of a concept is changed. If the concept codes are hierarchical (as in ICD-9-CM), the change in classification translates to a change in concept code, necessitating reassignment.
    • A reassignment is indicated in a change file by a row containing an entry of type S (semantic reassignment), followed by a source concept code (the concept whose meaning is being reassigned to another code), and a target concept code (the concept whose code now captures the meaning).

    See also:

    • /ets/hdr-ets-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/db/execute/readme/Change_File_Formats_General.txt from for more information about the format of the change file.

      If both the source and target concepts of a reassignment are from the new version, the reassignment is said to be intra-version. For example, in SNOMED-CT, if a duplicate or erroneous concept is detected, the new version carries forward the duplicate or erroneous concept in an inactive status. The reassignment in this case is from the inactive concept in the new version to an active concept in the new version.

      If the source of a reassignment is from the previous version and the target is from the new version, the reassignment is said to be inter-version. For example, in ICD-9-CM, if an erroneous concept is detected, it is deleted and excluded from the new version. A correct concept is provided in the new version and a reassignment is created between the concepts in the previous version and the new version. To process an inter-version reassignment contained in a change file, the ETS importer looks for the source code in the non-quarantined version (of the terminology in question) that has the latest load date. The non-quarantined version can be either active or retired.

    • Reuse: Occasionally, a concept code used in the previous version is reused to represent a concept with a different meaning in the new version. Note that this is considered bad terminology practice and should only be used to account for inadvertent errors. Unless a reuse is explicitly called out in the change file, a concept in the previous version is always considered equivalent to a concept with the same concept code in the new version.

Change files are preseeded for the following terminologies:

  • HL7
  • HDR Supplemental

For each of the following terminologies, new versions and their change files are available to customers, possessing licenses, from the vendor of the terminology:

  • IETF RFC 1766
  • ISO 3166-1 alpha2
  • NUBC-UB92
  • CPT-4
  • FDB
  • HCPCS-2
  • ICD-10
  • ICD-9-CM-DRG
  • ICD-9-CM-MDC
  • ICD-9-CM-V1
  • ICD-9-CM-V3

For all other terminologies that are loaded into ETS, change files must be created separately and loaded for each new version.

Note that change files must be loaded concurrently with the new version of a terminology. It is not possible to load a change file for a version of a terminology after both versions have been loaded.

Note also that a change file can only equivalence concepts between two consecutively imported versions of a terminology. Hence the order in which versions are imported is significant if change files are being used. The following scenarios illustrate this constraint:

  • A concept (concept code X) exists in version 1 of a coding scheme. The concept neither appears in version 2 nor is reassigned to an equivalent version 2 concept. A concept with code X reappears in version 3 with the same meaning as in version 1. It is not possible to indicate to ETS that concept X from version 1 is equivalent to concept X from version 3-because it spans a version.
  • A concept (concept code X) exists in version 1 of a coding scheme. The concept neither appears in version 2 nor is reassigned to an equivalent version 2 concept. In version 3, another concept (concept code Y) is created that is equivalent to concept X from version 1. It is not possible to indicate to ETS that concept X from version 1 is equivalent to concept Y from version 3.


    To support concept equivalence, the ETS importer does not import a second quarantined version of a terminology if one already exists. This facilitates verification of equivalence between the quarantined version and the previous version of the terminology before the quarantined version is published.

See also: