Messaging Interface

HDR can send and receive HL7 version 3 messages that conform with the Oracle Healthcare Data Repository HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification, and HDR provides services that can parse and construct XML messages. These services are exposed in essentially the same way as normal HDR services and have a Java API that can be called programmatically by ISV (Independent Software Vendor) code.

HDR messaging services (IMP) can also be accessed through an interface engine and an adapter such as HDR Gateway, which is in turn responsible for the transport-layer issues of sending and receiving messages over the network. This is the typical way that messaging is used by an HDR application. The Implementation Guide describes how to configure the HDR Gateway.

Inbound Messaging Services

Healthcare enterprises typically operate a number of departmental systems such as ADT, diagnostic departments, pharmacy, and others that may be acquired from multiple vendors. Such systems require messaging services to communicate events and request actions from applications throughout the enterprise.

To route the message from the source system, an external interface engine that handles HL7 message translation and routing must be implemented for IMP (Inbound Message Processor) to function. Although a single interface engine is typically required, multiple interface engines can be implemented. An interface engine is not included with HDR. However, Oracle B2B/BPEL can be used as an Interface Engine.

The Inbound Message Processor (IMP) provides message interpretation, persistence, and acknowledgement services to HDR applications for processing inbound messages from external systems. IMP supports XML formatted inbound messages that conform to the HL7 version 3 messaging standard and compliant with messaging schemas of HDR supported message types.