Optimistic Locking Exceptions

If HDR receives an OptimisticLockException from the underlying JPA framework, it wraps the exception in oracle.hsgbu.hdr.base.persist.exception.CorePersistenceException with error code HDR_OBJECT_ALREADY_MODIFIED_ERROR. The client application should attempt to query again if necessary and resubmit updates to HDR.

Example 10-1 Optimistic Locking Exception

The following code sample illustrates an optimistic locking exception:

// create an Act
SET_II actId = dataTypeFactory.newSET_II("9.989898.5.6.100", "OBS1001", true);
Act act = actFactory.newObservation(ActMood.EVN, null, actId);
ControlAct controlAct = actFactory.newControlActEvent(
  dataTypeFactory.nullCD(NullFlavor.NI), dataTypeFactory.nullSET_II(NullFlavor.NI));
controlAct.addOBActRelationship(ActRelationshipType.SUBJ, act);
// retrieve two copies of the Act
Act retrievedAct1 = retrieveAct(actId);
Act retrievedAct2 = retrieveAct(actId);
// update the Act
ControlAct controlAct2 = actFactory.newControlActEvent(
  dataTypeFactory.nullCD(NullFlavor.NI), dataTypeFactory.nullSET_II(NullFlavor.NI));
controlAct2.addOBActRelationship(ActRelationshipType.SUBJ, (Act)retrievedAct1.createNewVersion());
// try updating the same Act with the other retrieved copy
ControlAct controlAct3 = actFactory.newControlActEvent(
  dataTypeFactory.nullCD(NullFlavor.NI), dataTypeFactory.nullSET_II(NullFlavor.NI));
controlAct3.addOBActRelationship(ActRelationshipType.SUBJ, (Act)retrievedAct2.createNewVersion());
catch (CTBLockingException e)
  // One or more objects in the submission 
  // are locked by another process.
  // Requery if necessary, and resubmit 
  // updates to HDR.
  // In this case, we know the object is 
  // the Observation which was queried and
  // versioned, but this can be verified by
  // inspecting the Exception
  Act requeriedAct = retrieveAct(actId);
  ControlAct newControlAct = actFactory.newControlActEvent(
    dataTypeFactory.nullCD(NullFlavor.NI), dataTypeFactory.nullSET_II(NullFlavor.NI));
  newControlAct.addOBActRelationship(ActRelationshipType.SUBJ, (Act)requeriedAct.createNewVersion());