Diff at Type Level

When the $diff operation is invoked at the type level (meaning it is invoked on a specific resource type), it will compare two different resources of the same type.


  • from=[reference]—Specifies the source of the comparison. The value must include a resource type and a resource ID, and can optionally include a version (for example, Patient/123 or Patient/123/_history/2).
  • to=[reference]—Specifies the target of the comparison. The value must include a resource type and a resource ID, and can optionally include a version (for example, Patient/123 or Patient/123/_history/2).
  • includeMeta=true—Optional. If specified, changes to Resource.meta are included in the diff. This element is omitted by default.

Request: Reading Data with a Diff at Type Level

Request: Reading Data with a Diff at Type Level

Response: Reading Data with a Diff at Type Level

The server produces a response similar to the following:

  "resourceType": "Parameters",
  "parameter": [ {
    "name": "operation",
    "part": [ {
      "name": "type",
      "valueCode": "replace"
    }, {
      "name": "path",
      "valueString": "Patient.id"
    }, {
      "name": "previousValue",
      "valueId": "100065"
    }, {
      "name": "value",
      "valueId": "100004"
    } ]
  } ]