Basic searching: Finding patients

The most basic form of a search is a search with no parameters, which matches all resources of a given type. You can also search with a name parameter or multiple parameters.

Request: Search with no parameters

The following search returns all patients in the system.

Request: Search with no parameters

Response: Search with no parameters

The response to the query only returns a small amount of patient records (the default is 20). You can however, narrow your search using a name parameter or multiple parameters.

Request: Search with a name parameter

The following search query finds any patients with the family name "Chalmers."

Request: Search with a name parameter

Request: Search with multiple parameters (as an AND combination)

You can combine multiple parameters to narrow down your search even further (multiple parameters are interpreted as an AND combination).

Request: Search with multiple parameters (as an AND combination)

Request: Search with multiple parameters as comma separated values (as an OR search)

Comma separated values are treated as an OR search (either value may match). For example, the following search query finds people with the family name "Chalmers" and a given name of either "James" or "Peter."

Request: Search with multiple parameters as comma separated values (as an OR search)