1 Sample Data Deployment Guide

This document provides instructions on how to deploy the Oracle Healthcare Foundation (OHF) sample data files. The sample data files populate the Healthcare Data Mart (HCD) with sample data for the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Dashboards or for other analytics uses.

  1. Download the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Samples file OHFSSA 7.2 Samples.zip from My Oracle Support (MOS) (https://support.oracle.com/) under the patch 24929753.
  2. Copy the file to a preferred drive on a Windows machine and extract the contents.

    The following files will be extracted:

    • ohf_dims_insert.sql
    • ohf_facts_001_insert.sql
    • ohf_facts_003_insert.sql
    • ohf_facts_004_insert.sql
    • ohf_facts_005_insert.sql
    • ohf_facts_006_insert.sql
    • ohf_facts_007_insert.sql
    • ohf_facts_008_insert.sql
    • ohf_helper_dims_insert.sql
    • ohf_master_insert.sql
  3. To insert the sample data into the Healthcare Data Mart (HCD), connect to the HCD schema through SQLPlus or SQLDeveloper.
  4. Execute the ohf_master_insert.sql script available under /data. This inserts data into all HCD schema dimensions and facts used by the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Reports.

    The Oracle Healthcare Foundation sample data is now installed.

You can access the sample reports and dashboards from the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Analytics page (http://obiee host name:port number/analytics) under Dashboards, in the Oracle Healthcare Foundation group.