Create Cohort List



This endpoint supports the creation of a Cohort List for the Logged in User by Cohort List Name, Description, Context, Privacy and Cohort List Member Identifiers.It returns Cohort List Details like Cohort List Identifier, Name, Description, Member Reference links and other Cohort List associated information.


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Contains all the inputs for creating a cohort list
Root Schema : CreateCohortList
Type: object
Contains all the inputs for creating a cohort list
Show Source
Nested Schema : patientWidList
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : subjectWidList
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Number
Type: object
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : CohortList
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : LinkedReference
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Invalid parameters supplied

404 Response

Cohort List not created
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The following example submits a POST request.



Example of Request Body

The following example shows the request sent in JSON format.

  "cohortListName": "CohortList_1502",
   "cohortListDesc":"Cohort List Description",
   "context" : "patient",

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the response returned in JSON format.

  "cohortListId": 10000000542667,
  "cohortListName": "CohortList_1502",
  "cohortListDescription": "Cohort List Description",
  "contextFlag": "PATIENT",
  "privacy": "PUBLIC",
  "createdDate": "02/15/2017",
  "cohortListDetails": {
    "reference": "/ohfapi/cg/v3.3/cohortlists/10000000542667"
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