Data Sources

This section describes how to set data sources in the Weblogic console.

To set data sources in Weblogic:
  1. Connect to the Weblogic Console.
  2. Go to Data Sources. Notice AppDBDataSource (that was created during the OCI Weblogic installation) connected to the CG API schema (api / cga). However, you need to change the JNDI Name of this Data Source to the following

    Change and apply the changes.

  3. Configure the Data Sources for OHTR CE application. This can be done using one of two approaches:
    1. Use the OCI utility scripts to create the data sources. Follow the instructions to create the Data Source as follows: Note the following configuration values need to be provided:
      • jdbc/CGA-APP
      • atp.wallet.path=<complete_path_to_wallet_dir>
      • wls.admin.url=t3://<host_ip>:9071 (the port displayed in the console)
    2. Or create the Data Source using the Weblogic Console at Weblogic Console > new > Generic Data Source. Provide the values:
      • Name: OHTR-APP-DS
      • JNDI Name: jdbc/TRC-APP
      • Provide values for database host, port and service name.
      • For the URL section that appears in the next screen: provide values as copied from the default AppDBDataSource Data Source. (This trc schema is connecting to the same ADW database.)
      • In the Properties section, copy the values from the default AppDBDataSource data sources in this newly created data source (except for the user, of course).
    Test the connection and apply to the cluster.
  4. After creating the data source for trc app (with the JNDI Name of jdbc/TRC-APP), select the Data Source in Weblogic Console > Connection Pool > Advanced section, uncheck the Warp Data Type. Save and Apply the changes.
  5. Restart the Managed Server using the Weblogic console.