Use Compute Instance (IaaS) Model to install OHF & OHTR in OCI

This section describes how to obtain the compute instance and install the software needed for the OHF & OHTR Middle Tier.

This approach is to obtain the compute instance of the desired shape and install the software needed for the OHF & OHTR Middle Tier. This model is that of the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) where in the Compute Instance from OCI is used to install the necessary software and applications in the compute instance.

This process follows the typical OHF & OHTR Middle Tier installation similar to that of on-premises installation using the OHF & OHTR OUI Installers. Please follow the installation guidelines to install OHF & OHTR in the compute instance.

  • OHF Installation Guide – Chapter 5 : Middle Tier installation for OHF Middle Tier installation and
  • OHTR installation guide – Chapter 3 : Install and configure Middle Tier for OHTR Middle Tier installation

Note that the prerequisite software (as JDK, Weblogic) should also be installed in the VM, as mentioned in the above installation guidelines prior to the installation of OHF Middle Tier application.

Further if it’s planned to use the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) as the database, the additional following steps are also needed as part of the installation.

The installation of OHF and OHTR Middle Tier in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) needs a staging database. This database will host the Weblogic RCU schema’s that are needed by Weblogic ADF framework. It will also serve as a staging database for OHF and OHTR schema’s during the middle tier installation process. The OHF and OHTR Middle Tier will use this staging database during the installation process. Once the OHF and OHTR Middle Tier installation using the installers are complete, a few additional steps are done to switch to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) from this staging database.

Follow the sequences for the installation of OHF and OHTR applications in OCI. This section assumes that OHF and OHTR Data Models are already created in Oracle ADW.

  1. Provision Oracle Database in a VM in the same tenancy. The same VM as that of Weblogic can also be used. This will be the staging database.
  2. Install OHF Data Model using OHF Installer, following OHF Installation Guide. Provide the staging database connection details during the installation.
  3. Install OHTR Data Model using OHTR Installer, following the OHTR Installation Guide. Provide the staging database connection details during the installation.
  4. Install OHF Middle Tier using OHF Installer, following OHF Installation Guide. Provide the staging database connection details during the installation
  5. Install OHTR Middle Tier using OHTR Installer, following the OHTR Installation Guide. Provide the staging database connection details during the installation.
  6. Upon completion of the OHTR Middle Tier using the OUI Installer, follow the below steps to switch the connection to Oracle ADW schema:
    1. Download Autonomous Database wallet and transfer it to a node where WebLogic is installed.
    2. Unzip the wallet into a directory accessible to the OS user that owns WebLogic software, for example /u01/wallets/OHTR_wallet
      bash-4.2$ cd /u01/wallets/OHTR_wallet 
      bash-4.2$ unzip ../
        inflating: README
        inflating: cwallet.sso        
        inflating: tnsnames.ora
        inflating: truststore.jks
        inflating: sqlnet.ora
        inflating: ewallet.p12
        inflating: keystore.jks
    3. Open WebLogic admin console and navigate to oh_domain->Services->Data Sources
    4. Open each OHTR data source and proceed to Configuration->Connection Pool.
    5. Click the Lock and Edit button in the upper left corner to allow data source editing.
    6. Modify the value for URL to jdbc:oracle:thin:@<<ADW TNS entry>> where <<ADW TNS entry>> is the tns entry from the wallet tnsnames.ora file. For example:


    7. Add the following lines to the Properties section (make sure the existing property user=<<user_name>> is retained) .<<ADW wallet location>><<ADW wallet location>> /keystore.jks<<ADW wallet location>>/truststore.jks

      where <<ADW wallet location>> refers to a location where wallet was unzipped.

      For example:
    8. Save the updated data source.
  7. After all the data sources have been modified, click the Activate Changes button in the upper left section and restart Managed Server.

This will cut over the database connection in Weblogic to Oracle ADW.