Enhancements in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS

The following are the enhancements in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS:

Integration with Oracle Identity Manager

Now, Oracle users must request an Oracle Life Sciences IAMS account in Oracle Identity Manager to get an access to Oracle Life Sciences IAMS. The account information in corporate Oracle Identity Manager gets synchronized in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS. When a user leaves Oracle, access to all applications is terminated for the user.

Japanese characters are supported

Users who set their browser language to Japanese now see the on-screen text and labels in Japanese.

Users can now use Japanese characters in SCIM requests using the inbound API.

Bookmarked URL for an Oracle Life Sciences InForm study or business service works correctly

If an end user types an Oracle Life Sciences InForm study or business service URL in a browser, presses Enter, and bookmarks the URL, the bookmarked URL works correctly next time the user accesses it.

You can view an audit trail report

Oracle users now access your studies through your vanity URL rather than a virtual URL. This means that Oracle users are included in the standard audit trail report of users who logged into your SSO studies.

New process for adding tenant users

You can now submit a request to the Application Management Services (AMS) team to authorize all of your end users at once to get access to Oracle Health Bookmarks. The URL that end users received in their account creation email, used earlier to go to the landing page, will now be redirected to Oracle Health Bookmarks.