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Including or excluding studies from processing

You can configure the InForm Server Adapter (ISA) so that only specific studies on the InForm server are processed. This behavior might improve performance if the InForm server contains large studies or multiple studies.

You can specify:

To configure the InForm Server Adapter service:

  1. On the InForm server, use the Windows Administrative Tools to stop the InForm Server Adapter service.
  2. In a text editor, open the InFormServerAdapterService.config file.
  3. Use TrialThreadPool to specify the number of threads to process the studies on the InForm server. For more information, see the TrialThreadPool comments in the config file.
  4. To include or exclude studies from processing, uncomment the appropriate InclusionCondition or ExclusionCondition line and specify a value. For more information, see the InclusionList comments in the InFormServerAdapterService.config file.
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