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Data Type Table

Data Type Table

InForm control type


Simple Control

  • Data Type is defined by the element's type.
  • Length: text 255, integer 10, float 308.


    • Integer is always returned as 10 (the maximum number of digits in a 32-bit integer).
    • Float is always returned as 308 (the maximum exponent for a 64-bit floating-point number).
  • Significant Digit: 4.

Pulldown Control

References a codelist with the allowable values.

Text Control

  • Data Type is defined by control data type (Pf_TextControl/DataType).
  • Length: text Pf_TextControl/MaxLength, integer 10, float 308.


    • Integer is always returned as 10 (the maximum number of digits in a 32-bit integer).
    • Float is always returned as 308 (the maximum exponent for a 64-bit floating-point number).
  • Significant Digit: Pf_TextControl/PFPrecision.

Radio Control

References a codelist with the allowable values.

Group Control

Represented as an ItemDef per check option with the name of the option included in the form-relative RefPath in the ItemDefOID.

Datetime Control


Calculated Control

Text type with length = 255.

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