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Changing the processing mode

To change the processing mode from one transaction per MedML element to one transaction per call:

  1. Open the User Management Interface web.config file in a text editor. The file is located in the <installation_directory>\Provisioning folder.
  2. Locate the following line:

    <add key="InForm.SDK.Provisioning.Settings.EnterpriseServicesInteropOption" value="Automatic"/>

    The default value Automatic indicates the User Management Interface processes one transaction per MedML element. This processing mode is optimized for increased performance.

  3. Edit the line by entering Full instead of Automatic.
  4. Save and close the file.

When you change the processing mode to one transaction per call, the User Management Interface software treats each call as a single, atomic unit. If one element in the call contains an error, none of the changes are applied. This setting impacts processing performance and is not recommended for large studies.

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