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Queries: Aging

Queries: Aging report elements let you report the length of time that queries have been in particular states.

Queries: Aging report elements

Report element


Days Candidate

Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of days a candidate query has been in the Candidate state.

How calculated: This calculation only applies to queries that currently have a Candidate status. The returned value is either an exact count or an average, depending on other elements in the report.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Days Open

Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of days an open query has been in the Open state.

How calculated: This calculation only applies to queries that currently have an Open status, including reissued queries. The returned value is either an exact count or an average, depending on other elements in your report. The calculation begins on the last date when a query had a status of Open and ends on the current date. The number of days is always rounded to the nearest whole number.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Days Answered

Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of days an answered query has been in the Answered state.

How calculated: This report element returns values only for those queries that currently have an Answered status. The returned value is either an exact count or an average, depending on other elements in your report. The calculation begins on the last date when a query had a status of Answered, and ends on the current date. The number of days is always rounded to the nearest whole number.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

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