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General reporting FAQs

Can I create my own reports?

Yes, you can use the Query Studio application to create reports.

Can I access reporting for two studies at a time?

No. If you open two InForm studies, and access reporting for one of the studies, clicking Reports to access reporting for the second study logs you out of reporting for the first study, and your changes are lost.

Are my reports run against real-time data?

Yes. Data in the Reporting and Analysis database is updated in real time, so reports contain up-to-date information for your study. When you run a report, it contains the most recent data for every item or control.

How do my InForm locale settings impact Reporting and Analysis?

The languages that appear in the reporting environment are determined by the locales that are set for your study.

How can I can monitor site progress over time?

Save a report as a report view, which is a version of a report that contains the data at the time that you ran it. To save a report view, run the report, then click Keep this version, and select Save as Report View.

Tip Tip: If you save the same report with and without data, make sure to assign the two reports different names to avoid accidentally overwriting one with the other.

Can I schedule my reports to run automatically?

Yes. You can use Cognos to schedule individual or batches of both Query Studio and standard reports. For more information, see the Cognos documentation.

Can I email reports to other people?

Only if your study is self-hosted. If your study is hosted by Oracle, you cannot email reports to other people.

In previous releases, you could schedule a job to run in the background, and send an email that contained the report link. Users with report access could open the report from the link. However, a configuration option was available so that your organization could decide whether emailing reports was allowed. The configuration option was removed from Cognos Analytics 11. As a result, to protect subject data, we no longer allow anyone to send reports in an email.

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