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Query Performance Summary by User

This report provides a summary collection of query statistics: the volume of queries by CRF and CRB, the average and range of days to resolve, and the current ages of unresolved queries. The report lists only users that have open queries.

Study managers and lead CRAs use this report to filter by user and direct query-related inquiries to appropriate study personnel.

Tip Tip: For the best performance, do not select any optional filters on the Selection Criteria page.

Subtotals and totals

Column descriptions

Column descriptions



Rights Group

Data type: String

Description: The InForm rights group to which the user belongs.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

User Name

Data type: String

Description: The user name of the InForm user.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Site Mnemonic

Data type: String

Description: An abbreviation that identifies a site, as entered in the InForm Administration interface.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.


Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of subjects who enrolled at the site.

How calculated: For each site, counts subjects who enrolled at the site, including subjects who are currently assigned other states.

Note: The Enrollment form, designed according to InForm specifications, must be completed for the subject.


Data source: Status is determined by the value on the Enrollment form, which is stored in the Reporting and Analysis database. Status is set to 1 when the subject is enrolled.

Queries per CRB

Data type: Numeric

Description: The maximum and median number of all queries per casebook for all enrolled subjects in each site.

How calculated: For each site, counts manual, automatic, or both types of queries, based on your selection in the Query Type filter on the report prompt page. This count includes all queries, regardless of status, and all subjects who were ever enrolled, regardless of current status.

For each site, columns display:

  • Maximum—The maximum number of all queries per case book for all enrolled subjects at the site.
  • Median—The median number of all queries per case book for all enrolled subjects at the site.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Queries per CRF

Data type: Numeric

Description: The maximum and median number of all queries per form for all started forms for all enrolled subjects in each site.

How calculated: For each site, counts manual, automatic, or both types of queries, based on your selection in the Query Type filter on the report prompt page. This count includes all queries, regardless of status on all started clinical forms.

For each site, columns display:

  • Maximum—The maximum number of all queries per form for all started forms at the site.
  • Median—The median number of all queries per form for all started forms at the site.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Days to Resolve (Open to Close)

Data type: Numeric

Description: The minimum, maximum, and median number of days for queries to be opened and closed.

How calculated: For each query, the calculation starts on the first date when the status of the query was set to Open and ends on the most recent date when the status of the query was set to Closed. The number of days from the Open to the Closed state is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

How calculated: The calculation begins on the first day when the status of a query was set to Open and ends on the most recent day when the status of a query was set to Closed. This value is calculated in multiples of 24 (hours) and is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

For example, if a query is opened on day 1 at 10 AM and closed on day 3 at 9 AM, the Answered to Closed value is 2 days.

For each site, columns display:

  • Minimum—The fewest number of days taken for a query to be opened and closed at the site.
  • Maximum—The maximum number of days taken for a query to be opened and closed at the site.
  • Median—The median number of days for all queries to be opened and closed at the site.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Days Open

Data type: Numeric

Description: For each site, the number of queries that have been open for a specific number of days.

How calculated: This calculation applies only to queries with a current status of Open. The calculation begins on the date when a query was last opened and ends on the current date.

This value is calculated in multiples of 24 (hours). For example, if the query is opened at 10 a.m. on day 1 and the report is run 10 days later at 9 a.m., the days open is 9.

You specify the aging interval (in days) on the report prompt page.

For example, if you specify 7, the resulting report shows the number of queries that have been open for:

  • Seven or fewer days.
  • More than 7 but equal to or fewer than 14 days.
  • More than 14 but equal to or fewer than 21 days.
  • More than 21 but equal to or fewer than 28 days.
  • More than 28 days.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

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