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Query Status by Site and Subject

This report is a drill-down report from the link in the Site Mnemonic column in the Query Status by Site and Query Status by User reports and can also be run as a stand-alone report.

This report shows CRAs and study managers the number of queries to date in each query state for one or more subjects within selected sites.

Tip Tip: For the best performance, do not select any optional filters on the Selection Criteria page.

Subtotals and totals

Column descriptions

Column descriptions




Data type: String

Description: The country in which a site is located, as entered in the InForm Administration interface.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Site Mnemonic

Data type: String

Description: An abbreviation that identifies a site, as entered in the InForm Administration interface.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Subject Number

Data type: String

Description: The subject number, followed by the subject initials.

The subject number identifies the subject. The subject number and subject initials can be changed post enrollment, if this is configured in the study.

Note: Subject number might not be unique at your site.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Current Status

Data type: String

Description: The current status of the subject. Subjects can be in only one state at a time.

  • Screened—The Screening form for the subject was started, but the subject is not enrolled for one of the following reasons:
    • The subject has been fully screened, but the enrollment form has not been started.
    • The subject is fully screened and the enrollment process has started, but is not complete.
  • Screen Failed—The subject failed the InForm screening process.
  • Enroll Failed—The subject passed the InForm screening process, but failed the enrollment process.
  • Enrolled—The subject was properly enrolled in the InForm application, but has not reached the status of randomized, completed, or dropped out.
  • Randomized—The subject was enrolled and has been randomized in the InForm software, but is not yet completed or dropped out.
  • Complete—The subject has completed the study, as recorded in the Complete control of the Study Completion form for the subject.
  • Dropped out—The subject has dropped out of the study, as recorded in the Complete control of the Study Completion form for the subject.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Started Visits Count

Data type: Numeric

Description: For each subject, the number of visits that have a current status of Started.

How calculated: For each subject, a visit is counted as started if at least one expected form in the visit is started. A form is started when any data, queries, or comments have been entered on the form.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Query Count: Candidate

Data type: Numeric

Description: For each site, the number of queries with a current status of Candidate.

How calculated: Counts queries with the current status of Candidate. Counts manual, automatic, or both types of candidate queries, based on your selection in the Query Type filter on the report prompt page.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Query Count: Deleted

Data type: Numeric

Description: For each site, the number of queries with a current status of Deleted.

How calculated: Counts queries with a current status of Deleted. Counts manual, automatic, or both types of deleted queries, based on your selection in the Query Type filter on the report prompt page.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Query Count: Open

Data type: Numeric

Description: For each site and visit, the number of queries with a current status of Open.

How calculated: Counts all open queries for each site. Counts manual, automatic, or both, based on your selection in the Query Type filter on the report prompt page.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Query Count: Answered

Data type: Numeric

Description: For each site, the number of queries with a current status of Answered.

How calculated: Counts all answered queries for each site. Counts manual, automatic, or both types of answered queries, based on your selection in the Query Type filter on the report prompt page.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Query Count: Closed

Data type: Numeric

Description: For each site, the number of queries with a current status of Closed.

How calculated: Counts all closed queries for each site. Counts automatic, manual, or both types of closed queries, based on your selection in the Query Type filter on the report prompt page.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Total (% of Queries within Country)

Data type: Numeric (Percentage)

Description: The total number of queries at the site, regardless of status. This count is a sum of Candidate, Deleted, Open, Answered, and Closed queries plus the count of Conflict queries (which are not part of this report). For each site total, this column also displays the percentage of total queries for the country at the site.

How calculated: Counts automatic, manual, or both types of closed queries, based on your selection in the Query Type filter on the report prompt page. The percentage is calculated as follows:

[% of total within country] = [query count for the site] * 100 / [query count for the country]

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database. Percentage derived for display.

Note: A conflict query is a query that the InForm application automatically generates when it detects a discrepancy between different copies of the same study when users synchronize them. This query type exists when the InForm application is used with the CIS application. Conflict queries can also be entered using the InForm Adapter query interface.

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