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Subject Counts with Outstanding Queries

This report shows the number of subjects at each site that have open or answered queries at a specified time. The report includes countries and sites regardless of whether they have subjects or queries.

Study managers and CDMs use this report to obtain detailed subject counts with outstanding queries in order to resolve queries and ensure site readiness.

Tip Tip: For the best performance, do not select any optional filters on the Selection Criteria page.

Subtotals and totals

Column descriptions

Column descriptions




Data type: String

Description: The country in which a site is located, as entered in the InForm Administration interface.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Site Mnemonic

Data type: String

Description: An abbreviation that identifies a site, as entered in the InForm Administration interface.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.


Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of subjects who enrolled at the site.

How calculated: For each site, counts subjects who enrolled at the site, including subjects who are currently assigned other states.

Note: The Enrollment form, designed according to InForm specifications, must be completed for the subject.


Data source: Status is determined by the value on the Enrollment form, which is stored in the Reporting and Analysis database. Status is set to 1 when the subject is enrolled.

Subjects with Open Queries

Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of subjects with open queries.

How calculated: Counts subjects with at least one open query against the entered data for the subject. The open query must have been open for at least the number of days that you specified in the Minimum Days Opened or Answered filter on the report prompt page. The calculation begins on the date when the query was last opened and ends on today's date. The number of days is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Subjects with Answered Queries

Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of subjects with answered queries.

How calculated: Counts subjects with at least one answered query against the entered data for the subject. The answered query must have been answered for at least the number of days that you specified in the Minimum Days Opened or Answered filter on the report prompt page. The calculation begins on the date when the query was last answered and ends on today's date. The number of days is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Data source: Derived for the report; not stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

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