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Migrating the randomization source to the study database
  1. Migrate the Microsoft Access randomization source database to the InForm application server.
  2. Run the following command:

    pfadmin config trial <StudyName> /Rnd <TNS_Service_Name> [/accountparams:"path_to_parameter_file" | /prompt]

    This command creates the <StudyName>RND randomization ODBC data source for the database identified with <TNS_Service_Name>.

  3. To migrate trial randomization to the InForm study database, use the following syntax:

    RandomizationMigration.exe <StudyName> /UseTrialSchema /prompt <outfile> <RndMdbPathAndFilename>


    • StudyName—The name of the trial for which you are migrating randomization to an Oracle database.
    • outfile—The name of the log file used to record the results of the RandomizationMigration command.
    • RndMdbPathAndFilename—The complete path and file name of the Microsoft Access randomization source database.

    When prompted, enter the following parameters:

    • OracleSysUID—The name of the Oracle user account with SYSDBA privileges.
    • OracleSysPID—The password for the Oracle user account with SYSDBA privileges.

    The results of the command are recorded in the output file you specify with the command.

    • If the migration is successful, the output file will include the word SUCCESS.
    • If the migration fails, the first line of the output file will be ERROR, followed by one or more error messages that indicate the cause of the failure.
  4. Activate the randomization rule in the InForm application.
  5. Restart the trial after the migration is complete.
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