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Each form is mapped into a separate clinical view. All form controls, with the exception of controls in repeating sections (itemsets) are mapped to columns in that clinical view. Similarly, a form is mapped into a separate Cognos clinical report topic based on the underlying clinical view. All form controls, with the exception of controls in repeating sections (itemsets), are mapped to items for that clinical report topic based on the columns in the clinical view.


Columns in clinical views for forms

View name

Report element name

Report topic description


<FormTitle> Form

<FormTitle> Form - <FormDesignNote>

<FormTitle> - <FormMnemonic> if FormDesignNote is empty.

For a repeating form, the following columns and items are added to the clinical view and clinical report topic.

Repeating forms

Columns in clinical views for repeating forms

View column name

View column type

Report element name

Report element folder




Form Index

Basic Data

Ordinal number of the Form instance starting from 1.



Deleted Form

Basic Data

'Y': if instance of the Form is deleted or 'N' if it is not.

The following examples show form index and deleted form clinical view columns and clinical report topics generated for a repeating form.

Central Designer Properties Browser view

Illustration. Forms Central Designer Properties Browser view.

Display in the InForm application

Illustration. Forms display in the InForm application.

Database view

Illustration. Forms database view.

Cognos model

Illustration. Forms Cognos model.

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