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Text controls

A text control is always mapped to at least one column.

Text controls

Column names for text controls in clinical views

View column name

View column type

Report element name

Report element folder

(Generally <ItemRefName>_

VARCHAR2(N)—If the control datatype is CHARACTER and its MAXLENGTH value is 255 or less. N is equal to the MAXLENGTH value.

CLOB—If the control datatype is CHARACTER and its MAXLENGTH value is more than 255. Only the first 32000 characters of entered text are mapped.

NUMBER—If the control datatype is INTEGER.

FLOAT—If the control datatype is FLOAT.

A name generated according to control mapping logic, generally the item question or item label prefixed by the control caption or control RefName.

Basic Data

If the data type of a text control is NUMERIC or FLOAT and has assigned units, the text control is mapped to three additional columns if there is more than one associated unit. A single unit may be read-only and cannot be selected.

Column names for unit text controls in clinical views

View column name

View column type

Report element name

Report element folder




Normalized ~ <CoreItemName>

Additional Data

Normalized value generated by associated unit rule from entered data.



Unit Code ~ <CoreItemName>

Additional Data

Coded value of selected unit, which represents UNITREFNAME attribute.



Unit ~ <CoreItemName>

Basic Data

Value of selected unit, which represents UNITSYMBOL attribute.

The following examples illustrate mapping a character text control.

Central Designer Properties Browser view

Illustration. Text control Central Designer Properties Browser view.

MedML definition

Illustration. Text controls MedML definition.

Display in the InForm application

Illustration. Text controls display in the InForm application.

Database view

Illustration. Text controls database view.

Cognos model

Illustration. Text controls Cognos model.

The following examples illustrate mapping a text control with associated units.

Central Designer Properties Browser view

Illustration. Text controls with units Central Designer Properties Browser view.

MedML definition

Illustration. Text controls with units MedML definition.

Display in the InForm application

Illustration. Text controls with units display in the InForm application.

Database view

Illustration. Text controls with units database view.

Cognos model

Illustration. Text controls with units Cognos model.

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