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This view contains current configuration settings for the study (MedML SysConfig element).

Columns in the IRV_CUR_CONFIG view

Column Name (Key indicator)

Column Description


Numeric identifier for the configuration setting.


Not supported.

Indicates whether the InForm application permits a user to minimize the navigation panel on the left side of the screen, including the user picture.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


Indicates whether users can change to a previously used password when performing password updates.

0 - No

1 - Yes (default)


Indicates whether the InForm application automatically answers a manual query when a data item change satisfies the rules on the data item.

0 - No

1 - Yes (default)


Name of the server used for installing MedML metadata definitions.


Number of days that can pass before the InForm application requires users to change their passwords. The default is 30.


Not supported.

Indicates whether or not the navigation pane in the InForm application window is maximized upon login.

0 - No

1 - Yes (default)


Indicates whether to enable the feature that allows users to request a password reset if they have forgotten their password.

0 - No

1 - Yes (default)


Indicates whether to require the use of the Date of Visit item on the first form of every visit.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


Indicates whether the InForm application permits a subject to be enrolled with incomplete screening or enrollment information, after override authorization.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


The name of the server(s) that are defined as the server(s) on which execution plans run.


Number of failed login attempts to allow before inactivating the user account. The default is 3.


Maximum number of times to retry submission of a failed execution plan before it is logged as an error in the event log and removed from the queue of execution plans to be run. The default is 2.


Minimum number of characters required for passwords. The default is 6.


Number of minutes of inactivity that can pass before the InForm application requires a user to log in again. The default is 5.


Number of minutes that a session can be active before the InForm application requires a user to log in again. The default is 120.


Not supported.

Indicates whether to enable or disable special navigation modes for a study.

0 - Disable (default)
1 - Enable


Maximum number of lines on a CRF to create a readable PDF. The default is 100.


Number of threads running in the background to process pending execution plans. The default is 4; at least 1 is required for an execution plan to run.


Indicates whether passwords must include at least one special character.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


Indicates whether passwords must include at least one numeric character.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


Indicates whether passwords must include at least one uppercase character.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


Not supported.

Indicates whether to create a query when during synchronization data is found to be entered into a data item by two different servers.

0 - No

1 - Yes (default)


Maximum number of characters of query text displayed for an item on a CRF. The default is 80.


Name of the randomization source manager (COM object) who accesses the default randomization source database. The default name is Inform.PFRandomization.1.


Sequence number format for Simple Central randomization schemes (one central drug kit list from which numbers are assigned sequentially). For information about sequence number formats, see the Study and Reporting Setup Guide.


Indicates whether the InForm application requires a user to enter a comment when entering N/A, Unknown, or Not Done in response to a question on a form.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


Sequence number format for assigning screening numbers. For information about sequence number formats, see the Study and Reporting Setup Guide.


Indicates whether sponsors are able to edit a form after it has been marked Frozen.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


Indicates whether Secure Socket Layer should be enabled to provide encryption of data.

0 - no (default)
1 - yes


Month_Day_Year, Day_Month_Year or Year_Month_Day, indicating the format in which you want the date to appear in the study. The default is Month_Day_Year.


Indicates whether the InForm application requires a unique combination of subject initials and date of birth for a study, a site or not at all:

0 (default) - Initials and DOB combination does not have to be unique.
1 - Initials and DOB combination must be unique within a site.
2 - Initials and DOB combination must be unique within a study.


Indicates whether the InForm application requires a unique subject identifier for a study, a site or not at all:

0 (default) - Subject identifier does not have to be unique.
1 - Subject identifier must be unique within a site.
2 - Subject identifier must be unique within a study.


Indicates whether a list of required signatures should appear on each CRF for which a signature is required.

0 - No

1 - Yes (default)


User ID of the user whose action resulted in the given view row being created.


Date and time when the view row was created.


User ID of the user whose action resulted in the most recent change to data in the given view row.


Date and time when the data in the view row was most recently updated.

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