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Changes to system requirements from InForm to InForm 6.3

Changes to system requirements from InForm 6.2 to InForm 6.2.1



Client computers—Macintosh


  • Removed: Apple Safari 5.1 or higher (not supported for Cognos Reporting)
  • Added: Apple Safari 12.0.3 or higher (not supported for Cognos Reporting)

Client computers—Tablets

  • Removed: iOS—iPad running iOS 9.1 or 9.3 and Apple Safari.
  • Added: iOS—iPad running iOS 12.1.4 and Apple Safari.

Roles and features for the InForm application server

Application Server

  • Added: .NET Framework 4.5

Web Server (IIS) > Security

  • Added: Basic Authentication
  • Added: Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
  • Added: Digest Authentication
  • Added: IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
  • Added: URL Authorization
  • Added: Windows Authentication

Server features

  • Added: .NET Framework 3.5 Features
  • Added: .NET Framework 3.5 (Includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)

Minimum hardware requirements—Cognos Reporting application server


  • Removed: 4 GB RAM
  • Added: Minimum 10 GB RAM

    Disk storage

  • Removed: 10 GB minimum free space for the Cognos Analytics 11 Reporting application, Cognos Analytics 11 Reporting Temp space, and Oracle client files.
  • Added: A minimum of 7 GB of free space is required to install the software and 5 GB of free space on the drive that contains the temporary directory used by IBM Cognos components.

Software requirements—Cognos Reporting application server


  • Added: Cognos 11.1.1

Windows patch recommendations for the InForm software

English Windows operating system patches

  • Updated: English Windows operating system patches—InForm application server
  • Updated: English Windows operating system patches—Cognos application server

    Japanese Windows operating system patches

  • Updated: Japanese Windows operating system patches—InForm application server
  • Updated: Japanese Windows operating system patches—Cognos application server

Minimum Oracle client patches required for the InForm application servers

Oracle for Windows 64-bit

  • Removed: Oracle version, Patch number 29413116
  • Added: Oracle version, Patch number 30049606

Minimum Oracle client patches required for the Cognos Analytics 11 Reporting application servers

Oracle for Window 32-bit

  • Removed: Oracle version, Patch number 29413116
  • Added: Oracle version, Patch number 29831650

Minimum Oracle database server patches required for the InForm study database and Reporting and Analysis database servers

Oracle for Windows 64-bit

  • Removed: Oracle version, Patch number 29413116
  • Added: Oracle version, Patch number 30049606

    Oracle for Linux x86-64

  • Removed: Oracle version, Patch number 29141015
  • Added: Oracle version, Patch number 29918340


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