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Enabling or disabling ODM data reduction

ODM data reduction reduces redundancies in ODM output. Items are identified as unique based on their identifying key (OID, repeat key, etc). Contents of items that have the same key are reduced to a single item, in chronological order. The output remains ODM compliant, but is more compact.

ODM data reduction is enabled by default.

You can disable ODM data reduction for the output of the GetTransactions method by including the parameter skipODMReduction=TRUE in input request to the method.

You can disable reduction for all studies on the server by uncommenting the element <SkipODMReduction /> in the InFormAdapter.ODM.config file. The request parameter value, if specified in the method call, takes precedence over the server-wide element value in the configuration file.

For example, if you uncomment <SkipODMReduction /> in the configuration file, and include skipODMReduction=False in the call to the GetTransactions method for study pfst45odm, only the GetTransactions response for that particular request to trial pfst45odm will apply ODM data reduction to the response.

For more information, see the Interfaces Guide.

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