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Configure the InForm study web services to use SSL

Use the pfadmin command to configure the active web services for each study:

pfadmin config webservice <studyname> <webservicename> ADD HTTPS:<port> cert:<thumbprint>

For example to configure the DeploymentService, AuthService, and ODMSubmitService web services for pfst62:

pfadmin config webservice pfst62 DeploymentService ADD HTTPS:14040 cert:73616d706c657468756d627072696e74

pfadmin config webservice pfst62 AuthService ADD HTTPS:14041 cert:73616d706c657468756d627072696e74

pfadmin config webservice pfst62 ODMSubmitService ADD HTTPS:14042 cert:73616d706c657468756d627072696e74

For more information, see Step 3: Set up a skeletal study and pfadmin.

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