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Input parameters—GetByCriteria

Takes a DetailByCriteriaRequest XML element as an input parameter.

DetailByCriteriaRequest has the following parameters and child elements.

Note: Some parameters are specific to the encapsulated InFormItem type.


Parameter or

Child element > parameter



The study in which the discrepancies are issued or updated. If username/password authentication is enabled, the username and password that you specify in the SOAP header are authenticated against this study name.


If specified, only the records in the specified states are included in the result set.


If specified, only the records that have changes in state that occur after this date are include in the result set.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS


Values: True, False.

True: All state changes for the relevant discrepancies are included in the result set.

False: Only the most recent (current) state of the discrepancy is included in the result set.


A list of user names.

If specified, only discrepancies that were issued or updated by one of the names in the list are included in the result set.

Maximum number of usernames in a single request: 1000.


Values: Auto, Manual.

If specified, only discrepancies of the specified type are included in the result set.

If not specified, both types are returned.


A response includes a bookmark if there are more records that match the requested criteria.

The caller passes in this bookmark on a subsequent call to return the remaining records.

Absence of a bookmark indicates that the caller wants to receive the first set of records that match the criteria.

Note: When using bookmarks, the subsequent requests must be identical to the first request. If you use different parameter values in subsequent calls, errors and unexpected results will occur.


The number of records to be retrieved in a single call.

Default: 1000. Maximum: 2000.

DetailCriteriaFilter element

Element that contains TrialCriteria or ItemCriteria child elements.

Note: A single DetailCriteriaFilter element can contain either TrialCriteria elements or ItemCriteria elements, but not both.

  • TrialCriteria: The site, subject, and visit criteria that you specify form an SQL query that uses AND between each item. Criteria items that are not specified are not included in the query.
  • ItemCriteria: item-identifying types form a query that uses OR between each item.

TrialCriteria > SiteIdList

A list of site IDs.

Maximum number of site IDs in a single request: 1000.

TrialCriteria > SubjectGuidList

A list of subject GUIDs.

Maximum number of GUIDs in a single request: 1000.

TrialCriteria > VisitList

A list of refnametuples in which each refnametuple identifies a visit.

Maximum number of refnametuples in a single request: 1000.

ItemCriteria > InFormItemDbuidList

A list of DBUIDs that identifies an InForm item.

Maximum number of DBUIDs in a single request: 1000.

ItemCriteria > InFormItemGuidList

A list of GUIDs that identifies an InForm item.

Maximum number of GUIDs in a single request: 1000.

itemCriteria > InFormItemList

All data that is needed to identify an InForm item. Do not include the study name.

Maximum number of InForm items: 1000.

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