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TranslatedText in Mnemonic element

The Location element contains a Mnemonic element, which contains the element TranslatedText.

Note: The site mnemonic can contain any Unicode characters. However, because the InForm software does not allow you to specify a locale for the site mnemonic, the translated text does not include the xml:lang attribute.


<Location OID="7600" Name="PhaseForward" LocationType="Site" pf:SiteCountry="USA" pf:SiteTimezone="(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)" pf:GUID="{3C07AF5F-E07F-471A-8F7C-AB120A48C1BB}" pf:Revision="153925498812062">

<MetaDataVersionRef StudyOID="Depression Study" MetaDataVersionOID="Study Version 1.0" EffectiveDate="2000-04-04" />

<MetaDataVersionRef StudyOID="Depression Study" MetaDataVersionOID="Study Version 2.0" EffectiveDate="2008-03-28" />

<MetaDataVersionRef StudyOID="Depression Study" MetaDataVersionOID="Study Version 2.0##1222711396" EffectiveDate="2008-03-28" />

<MetaDataVersionRef StudyOID="Depression Study" MetaDataVersionOID="Study Version 2.0##1222711535" EffectiveDate="2008-03-28" />





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