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Input parameters—DownloadAdminDataODM

Takes an XmlElement that follows the DownloadAdminDataODM element schema as an input parameter. The DownloadAdminDataODM element has the following children.

DownloadAdminDataODM input parameters

Node/Attribute name



The study from which to retrieve administrative data.

Specify either the study name, or the study alias value that is used when registering the study through the InForm Adapter Admin interface.


The user ID of the user who is requesting the data.


Optional reference to the previous file (if one exists) in a series.

Type = String.


The type of ODM file data that is to be returned.

Type = Enumeration.

Enumeration values = Transactional.


The version of the InForm-to-ODM mapping. Specify 2.0 for the most complete and accurate representation of the InForm data that is returned in ODM format.

Type = Enumeration.

Enumeration values = 1.0, 2.0.

Default = 2.0.


Specifies whether to include Oracle Phase Forward ODM extensions in the data that is returned from the method.

Type = Boolean.

Default = True.



Specifies how to handle transactions in the study that are deleted and then undeleted.

Type = Enumeration.

Enumeration values = Strict, Loose.

Default = Strict.

Strict or Loose has no affect on admin data or metadata.






Parameters that specify a section in the admin data to be returned with the response.

includeUsers is required if you want to specify userBookmark.


Values=True or False.

Default=True (the section is included).


The InForm UserID. You must specify includeUsers if you want to specify a userBookmark.

  • If userBookmark is specified, users are returned beginning with the UserID that immediately follows (greater than) the specified UserID. The number of records returned by the call is equal to the ODMUserBookmark count as defined in the configuration file informAdapter.ODM.config.

    To return all users in multiple calls, use a bookmark value of zero (0) in the first call.

    If the userBookmark is greater than zero, only the user section of admin data is returned, regardless of whether you specified any other parameters.

  • If a userBookmark is not specified, all users are returned in a single response, beginning with the first user in the study.


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