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Input parameters—DownloadMetadataODM

Takes an XmlElement of type DownloadMetadataODM that contains the following children.

DownloadMetadataODM input parameters

Node/Attribute name



The study from which to receive metadata.

Specify either the study name, or the study alias value that is used when registering the study through the InForm Adapter Admin interface.


The user ID of the user who is requesting the data.


Optional reference to the previous file (if one exists) in a series.

Type = String


The type of ODM file data that is to be returned.

Type = Enumeration.

Enumeration values = Transactional.


The version of the InForm-to-ODM mapping. Specify 2.0 for the most complete and accurate representation of the InForm data that is returned in ODM format.

Type = Enumeration.

Enumeration values = 1.0, 2.0.

Default = 2.0.


Specifies whether to include Oracle Phase Forward ODM extensions in the data that is returned from the method.

Type = Boolean.

Default = True.



Specifies how to handle transactions in the study that are deleted and then undeleted.

Type = Enumeration.

Enumeration values = Strict, Loose.

Default = Strict.

Strict or Loose has no affect on admin data or metadata.


The version of the InForm study for which to download metadata.

Type = String


You can specify a single study version. The value for studyVersionName must match the Study Version that is displayed on a site's configuration page in the InForm application.

You can specify both studyVersionName and studyVersionCutoff to return only the data from the specified study version that is committed to the InForm application after the specified date.



The response includes only the study data that is committed to the InForm application after the date you specify. For example, if you specify 2010-12-15T00:00:00 (December 15, 2010), only data that is committed to the study on December 16, 2010 and later will be included.

Type = xs:DateTime



If you specify a DateTime, you must include all components of the format.

If you specify a date in the future, no study versions are returned.

You can specify both studyVersionName and studyVersionCutoff to return only the data from the specified study version that is committed to the InForm application after the specified date.


If True, returns summary output; that is, a MetaDataVersion element for each study version in the InForm study, without returning child elements of MetaDataVersion.



studyVersionSummary can be used with either studyVersionName or studyVersionCutoff to return summary output for any study version that meets the criteria you specify.

If you set studyVersionSummary=True, skipRevisioningWithoutVersioning is also set to True.


Specifies whether to omit additional processing to detect metadata that was created by the use of the Revising without Versioning technique in the InForm application.

Type = Boolean


Default = False

  • False—Performs extra processing to determine which metadata resulted from Revising without Versioning.
  • True—Omits extra processing; as a result, performance is improved.

Note: If studyVersionSummary=True, skipRevisionWithoutVersioning is automatically set to True.

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