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Rights Group History Report

This report provides details on the audit trail for the addition and revocation of rights to a rights group in your InForm studies at the time the report is generated.

When a rights group is initially created, it will always have at least one right associated to it. As such, the date a given rights group was created is represented in this report by the earliest chronological record of any right being associated to that rights group.

Column descriptions

Column descriptions



Rights Group

Shows the Rights Group, as listed in InForm user interface.

Right Category

Lists the Right Category a given Right belongs to.


Shows the Right being described in the report, as listed in the InForm user interface.

Right Action

Describes the action taken against the given Right for the given Rights Group.

  • Added—The Right was added to the Rights Group. That is, the checkbox for the Right is selected in the InForm user interface and the Rights Group change is submitted.
  • Revoked—The Right was revoked (removed) from the Rights Group. That is, the checkbox for the right is unselected in the InForm user interface and the Rights Group change is submitted.

Right Change Type

Describes the type of change the listed Right has gone through within the Rights Group at the time of reporting.

  • Initial—The Right was Added to the Rights Group during its initial configuration.
  • Update—The Right was either Revoked from the Rights Group after its initial configuration, or it was Added back into it after being previously removed.


The user that performed the change to the Rights Group.

Note: When a new Rights Group is created by installing MedML with the MedML Installer utility, the username is the name of the user account for the study. The system name may have a tenant prefix (for example, tenant13.system) or not have the word "system" in it.

Date Applied

The date and time the change to the Rights Group was saved.

Note: The format for the date is DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS (where time is 24-hour clock). The timezone for the date is the same timezone as that of the Reporting database.

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