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Setting up a distribution list for subscriptions

A distribution list allows you to send a notification type to multiple email addresses when:

Caution: This method does not identify if a recipient is blinded or unblinded. Do not subscribe a blinded user to an unblinded notification.

  1. Click Admin (Admin tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, click Notification Subscriptions.

    For descriptions of the fields on this page, see Notification Subscriptions page.

  3. From the Select Notification drop-down list, select the notification type.
  4. To add a user to the distribution list, in the Add Email address field, type the email address of the user to add to the distribution list, and click Add Email.
  5. To remove an email from the distribution list, in the distribution list, click an email address, and click Remove Email(s).
  6. Click Submit.
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