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Early terminating a subject

A subject who has already been screened can be discontinued from the study through early termination. When this procedure has been completed, all drug units that are resupplied for this subject are discontinued. For more information, see Subjects who are removed from the study.

Best practices for using IRT

Screen failing and early termination affect the drug supply, so make sure you perform these tasks in IRT right away.

  1. Click Subjects (Subjects tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, click Subject Transactions.
  3. Find the subject in the list.
  4. Click More detail icon - click to expand the form to the left of the subject number, or select the row with the subject you want to view.
  5. Above the visit schedule, click Early Termination.
  6. From the drop-down list, select Yes to confirm subject details, and then click Continue.
  7. If you are asked to enter a reason for discontinuation, select the reason from the drop-down list, and then click Continue.
  8. Select the date, and click Continue.

    The last prompt informs you that subject has been early terminated, and IRT sends the confirmation email.

  9. Print the email, and file the printed copy according to the policies of the study.
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