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Flagging a subject as mis-randomized

A subject who has been given the incorrect drug units should be identified as mis-randomized. For more information, see Mis-randomized subjects.

A mis-randomized subject is identified with an icon (Misrandomized subject flag) in the list of subjects.

  1. Click Subjects (Subjects tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, click Subject Transactions.
  3. Find the subject in the list.
  4. Click More detail icon - click to expand the form to the left of the subject number, or select the row with the subject you want to view.
  5. Click Flag Subject.
  6. Click Subject is Mid-randomized.
  7. If you do not want the subject to be counted toward the maximum number of subjects permitted in the study, select Subject does NOT count toward Study Limit(s).
  8. In the Comments text area, type the reason the subject has been flagged as mis-randomized.
  9. In the Enter Password text area, type your password for IRT.
  10. Click Submit.
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