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Site Inventory by Unit Unblinded

This report displays the following information about units at each site. This report offers more granularity than the other Site Inventory reports and provides information by drug unit.

This table describes all possible fields for the report. Data in the report appears only in fields applicable to the study. Some fields might not appear in your report, and some fields could have different names.




Area defined by the study team where the site is located (example: South America).


Country where the site located (example: Brazil).

Investigator ID

Unique identification number for the investigator.


Unique identification number for the site.


Last name and first name of the Principal Investigator as entered at the site level.

Label Group

Name of the label group.

Run number

Run number provided.


Unique identification number for the lot.

Unblinded Lot Number

Identifier for a lot that may contain unblinding information.

Expiry Date

Lot number expiration date.

Drug Unit Number

Unique identification number for the drug unit.

Drug Unit Code

Code for the unit type (example: A, B, or C).

Drug Unit Type

Description of the unit type (example: Placebo).


Description of the current status based on the study design.

Drug Order Number

Unique identification number for the order.

Do Not Count

Number of units marked Do Not Count. This column calculates the quantity of drug units that cannot be counted towards available inventory but which has not yet expired.

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