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Edit Subject Data

This report displays the following information about edits to subject data.

This table describes all possible fields for the report. Data in the report appears only in fields applicable to the study. Some fields might not appear in your report, and some fields could have different names.




Unique identification number for the site.


Last name and first name of the Principal Investigator as entered at the site level.

Investigator ID

Unique identification number for the investigator.

Subject Number

Unique identification number for the subject.

Screening Number

Unique identification number assigned at screening. Typically, this is the same as the Subject Number.

Transaction Name

Name of the transaction.

Transaction Date

Date that a specific transaction occurred for the subject (such as the screening date, screen fail date, randomization date, scheduled visit date, early termination date, or unblind treatment date).

Request User

User requesting the change.

Request Date

Date the edit was requested.

Field Name

Edited field (example: Screen Fail Reason).

Original Value

Value of the field before the edit.

New Value

Value of the field after the edit.

Reason For Change

Reason the edit was requested.


Transactions that are affected by changing the value of the editable field.

Request Status

Status of the request.

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