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Email notifications

A notification is a message you receive from IRT that lets you know you have completed an action (a confirmation) or reminds you of an action you must take as soon as possible (an alert).

Notifications are a normal part of IRT operation. They do not mean you have done something wrong.

A notification will be made available for review only within IRT (you will be notified in an email to retrieve the information through IRT with a link contained in the body of the communication) or will be transmitted unencrypted (the data will be sent in the body of an email).

Who should care about notifications?

Notifications affect everyone who uses IRT. Some people—such as the study manager, drug supply manager, or Oracle administrator—set up how notifications work, but most IRT roles receive notifications that apply to the tasks they perform.

If you log subject visits, you receive email notifications as a record of that visit. You should file these emails according to the policies of the study.

Decisions you must make

Confirmations are informational and do not require action. However, most alerts require you to make decisions about how to act and then to take action. If you receive an alert:

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