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Adding or subtracting non-serialized drug units for label groups

Before you do this, you must associate these drug units with the depot from which they will be shipped.

To increase the number of non-serialized drug units available to the label group, you add the non-serialized drug units. To remove serialized drug units from the label group, you subtract the drug units.

  1. Click Supplies (Sites tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, in the Set-Up section, select Label Group Association.

    This list shows the total number of serialized and non-serialized drug units available in each label group. For descriptions of the fields on this page, see Label Group Association.

    You can add non-serialized units from this view, or you can click a Label Group identifier to view the Type List for more detailed information about the drug units in the group (examples: type, description, quantity available).

    You can associate drug units from either view.

  3. From either the Depot List or the Type List, click Add next to the non-serialized drug units.

    A list of drug units that have not yet been associated with the label group appear.

    You can filter the list by sequence number, and you can select and deselect drug units from the list.

  4. To add the drug units:
    1. Type the Quantity to Add in the appropriate rows.
    2. Click Add Quantities.

    The quantity of drug units associated with the label group is updated.

  5. To subtract the drug units:
    1. Type the Quantity to Subtract in the appropriate rows.
    2. Click Subtract Quantities.

    The quantity of drug units associated with the label group is updated.

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