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Associating serialized drug units with depots

To assign serialized drug units to the depot, you associate the serialized drugs with the depot. To remove serialized drug units from the depot, you dissociate the drug units. For more information, see Depot association of non-serialized vs. serialized drug units.

IRT can associate up to 5,000 drug units at a time.

  1. Click Supplies (Sites tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, in the Set-Up section, select Depot Association.

    This list shows the serialized and non-serialized drug units that are currently available at each depot.

    You can associate drug units from the Depot List view, or you can click a Depot identifier to view the Type List view for more detailed information about the drug units (examples: description, sequence numbers, quantity available).

    You can associate drug units from either view.

    For descriptions of the fields on this page, see Depot Association page.

  3. From either the Depot List page or the Type List page, click Associate next to the drug units.

    A list of drug units that have not yet been associated with any depot appears.

  4. (optional but recommended for long lists) Type the Sequence Range in the Start and End textboxes, and click Apply.
  5. To select the drug units:
    • To select specific drug units, select or deselect the Select checkbox until the only the drug units you want to associate have check marks next to them.

      Then click Associated Selected.


    • To associate all drug units on the page, click Associate All.

    The drug units are associated with the depot.

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