Introducing the new Oracle Health Sciences Learn Manager

From now on, it's going to be easier to identify the product where you manage training for Oracle Health Sciences InForm, Oracle Health Sciences IRT Cloud Service, Oracle Health Sciences Central Designer, Oracle Health Sciences Central Coding, and Oracle Health Sciences User Management Tool because the product has a new name: Oracle Health Sciences Learn Manager.

Previously, the product name that appeared was Oracle Clinical One Platform, but that name resulted in some confusion because Oracle Clinical One Platform is also where you design and deploy studies. The new product name, Oracle Health Sciences Learn Manager, makes it easier for you to ask questions and get any support you might need.

Remember, the only change is the new name in the upper left. Everything else is still the same: the URL, your credentials, and the way that you work in the product.


If you also use Oracle Clinical One Platform to design and deploy studies, you won't see any changes. Oracle Clinical One Platform will continue appearing as the product name.