General Define-Time Parameters

If you need information from the user during Load Set, Data Mart, Program, or Business Area definition, create a Parameter Set named PARAMETERSET_LOADSETLEVEL_DEF and set its Usage attribute to DEFINITION.

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub displays Parameters in this Parameter Set as attributes in the Load Set, Data Mart, Program, or Business Area Properties page in the user interface.

For example, the following shipped adapters have these attributes:

  • SAS and Text Load Sets: Save Input File (Yes or No)
  • All Data Marts: File Name (for the Data Mart's output file)
  • Text Data Marts: Mode (Delimited or Fixed) and Filename Extension (.csv or .txt)

If you need Parameters whose values are used during Load Set, Data Mart, Program, or Business Area installation, you can define them in the parameterset_loadsetlevel_def Parameter Set.