
Your adapter may require a procedure to run after the execution of a Load Set, Data Mart, or Program. For example:

  • If the execution produces outputs, the DP Server puts these files in a temporary table. You can use the view CDR_TEMP_BLOBS_V to get a list of the outputs uploaded by the DP Server and call the public API CDR_PUB_EXE_EXTERNAL.UPLOADBLOBOUTPUT to upload the outputs.

  • You can create a procedure to search the log file for specific information after execution.

The Post_Execution_ Function requires the following signature:

procedure <procname>(pi_nJobId in cdr_jobs.job_id%type)

pi_nJobId takes the jobID of the current object execution.


If any of these programs returns an error the job returns an error. If any of these programs returns a warning then the job returns a warning unless another part of the job generated an error.