Retrieve Table Instance Details

Use view CDR_PUB_GENERIC_BA_TABLES_V to retrieve the Table instance details for a given Generic Visualization Business Area instance in order to determine what data to display.

The view retrieves the following attributes for each mapped Business Area Table Descriptor and Table instance. See the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide for more information.

COMPANY_ID. NUMBER(6,0) The Table instance's company ID.

BA_OBJ_ID. NUMBER(22,0) The Business Area instance's object ID.

BA_OBJ_VER. NUMBER(7,0) The Business Area instance's object version.

BA_NAME. VARCHAR2(200) The Business Area instance's name.

TD_OBJ_ID. NUMBER(22,0) The Table Descriptor's object ID.

TD_OBJ_VER. NUMBER(7,0) The Table Descriptor's object version.

TD_NAME. VARCHAR2(200) The Table Descriptor's name.

TD_ORACLE_NAME. VARCHAR2(30) The Table Descriptor's Oracle name.

TD_SAS_NAME. VARCHAR2(32) The Table Descriptor's SAS name.

TI_OBJ_ID. NUMBER(22,0) The Table instance's object ID.

TI_OBJ_VER. NUMBER(7,0) The Table instance's object version.

TI_NAME. VARCHAR2(200) The Table instance's name.

BLINDING_FLAG_RC. VARCHAR2(30) The Table instance's Blinding flag setting. The possible values are: $YESNO$YES if the Table instance can contain blinded data or $YESNO$NO if it cannot.

BLINDING_STATUS_RC. VARCHAR2(30) The Table instance's Blinding status. See the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide for more information.

  • If the Table Instance's Blinding flag is set to $YESNO$YES, the possible values are: $BLIND_STATS$BLINDEDor $BLIND_STATS$UNBLINDED.
  • If the Table Instance's Blinding flag is set to $YESNO$NO, the possible values are: $BLIND_STATS$NOTAPPLICABLE or $BLIND_STATS$AUTHORIZED.