Audited Tables

When you enable auditing of internal tables in Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub, you enable auditing for a predefined set of tables and columns in those tables, listed below.

Where two tables share the same name with either _B or _TL appended, B means base and TL means translatable. If a table includes columns whose values can be translated and displayed on screen in a different language, the table is split into a base and a translatable table with the same primary key. For every row in the base table, the translatable table includes one row per supported language.

For further information, see the Oracle® Application Framework Personalization Guide at

  • CDR_CONNECTIONS. This table stores information about user-defined connections to remote databases (both user-specific and shared connections). All columns are audited.
  • CDR_NAMINGS. This table stores information on every user-defined object. Only the NAME column is audited.
  • CDR_NAMING_VERSIONS. This tables stores information on every version of every user-defined object. Only the VALIDATION_STATUS_RC column is audited.
  • CDR_OBJ_CLA_MAPPINGS. This table stores information on the assignment of classification values to user-defined objects. The columns CLA_LEVEL_ID, CLA_OBJ_ID, PAR_COMPANY_ID, andPAR_OBJ_ID, PAR_OBJ_VER are audited.
  • CDR_OBJ_UG. This table stores information on the assignment of user groups to user-defined objects. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_OBJECT_SUBTYPES_B. This table stores base information on object subtypes. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_OBJECT_SUBTYPES_TL. This table stores translated language values on object subtypes. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_OUTPUTS. This table stores information on all outputs generated by user-defined executables. Only the BLINDING_STATUS_RC column is audited.
  • CDR_REMOTE_LOCATIONS. This table stores information on remote databases registered by users in Oracle LSH. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_ROLES_B. This table stores base information on user-defined roles. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_ROLES_TL. This table stores translated language values for user-defined roles. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_SECURITY_DBACCOUNT. This table stores information on all database accounts defined in the Oracle LSH user interface. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_SOURCE_CODES. This table stores information on user-defined source code objects. Only the SHAREABLE_FLAG_RC column is audited.
  • CDR_SUBTYPE_OPR_ROLES. This table stores information about the roles and object subtypes associated with each other. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_TABLE_REFS. This table stores information about all user-defined Table instances. Only the BLINDING_STATUS_RC column is audited.
  • CDR_UG_ROLES. This table stores information about the roles associated with each user group. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_USER_GROUPS_B. This table stores base information on user groups. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_USER_GROUPS_TL. This table stores translated language values for user groups. All columns are audited.
  • CDR_USER_UG_ROLES. This table stores information about the roles and users associated with each user group. All columns are audited.
  • DME_FLAG_DATA_A. This table stores the history of flag assignments to data in Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench (Oracle DMW).