Database Accounts for Use in Definition

You must create an Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub database account for Definers who need to use an integrated development environment (IDE) that requires logging back into the Oracle LSH database to view Oracle LSH data.

You must create an Oracle LSH database account for Definers who need to use an integrated development environment (IDE) that requires logging back into the Oracle LSH database to view Oracle LSH data. These IDEs include:

  • SAS in Connected mode (read-only access)
  • Oracle Reports (read-only access)
  • SQL*Plus (read and write access)
  • Oracle Business Intelligence (read-only access)

When the Definer launches the IDE, he or she is typically prompted to enter an Oracle LSH database account username and password.

Oracle LSH database accounts maintain a mapping between a Definer's regular Oracle LSH application user account and his or her database account. If the Definer enters the same database account information that is mapped to his or her Oracle LSH user account, the system grants access to the data required by the Program the Definer is working on.


A database account is not required to use Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition to create visualizations of Oracle LSH data.