About Lookups

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub uses predefined lists of values for many items such as drop-down lists in the user interface.

These are based on lookups in the seed data shipped with Oracle LSH. You can modify some of these lists of values.

Many database object type attributes used in Oracle LSH public APIs have lists of values based on these lookups (also called reference codelists); the naming convention is to end these attributes' names with _rc. You can use the procedures in this section to look up the allowed values for these attributes.

To view or modify Oracle LSH lookups, you must have the LSH Setup Admin privilege.

The changes you can make depend on the access level defined for each lookup:

  • System. You cannot change anything.
  • Extensible. You can create additional values and modify them but you cannot modify predefined ones.

    User. You can create additional values and change the text displayed in the user interface for existing values (the "meaning"), and discontinue the use of predefined and user-defined values.


    If you change the text displayed in the user interface for existing values, the Oracle LSH documentation and online help will not reflect what is in the user interface, which may cause confusion.