Recognizing the Same Object Imported from Different Sources

The utility preserves each object's original Company ID and Object ID in an import archive table on the target database.

(The Company ID is the same for all objects in a database and, with the Object ID, forms the primary key of each object.) Imported objects also receive a new Company ID and Object ID on the target database.

When you export objects, the export process checks if each included object was previously imported—that is, has a record in the import archive table—and if it was, exports the object with its original Company ID and Object ID.

The import script checks the Company ID and Object ID of each object being imported against the Company ID and Object ID of records in the import archive table. If it finds a match it compares the version numbers and upgrades if a newer version is being imported.

For example, if you:

  • export an Application Area from Location A to Location B
  • and then export the same Application Area from Location A to Location C
  • and then modify one of the Programs it contains on Location C
  • and then import the Application Area from Location C to Location B

then the import process running on Location B recognizes that the Program is the same as the existing Program originally imported from Location A, compares the version numbers of the matching Programs, and upgrades the Program in Location B to the newer version.