Running the Installation Script

To run the install script, do the following from the target Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub database instance:

  1. Connect to the database instance as the Oracle Applications schema owner; usually apps.
  2. Change to the OS directory you created while running the import script.
  3. Make sure the zipped Domain file exists in the OS directory and that it is the latest exported Domain. For a Domain upgrade, the install script first checks whether or not the exported Domain file has the same or higher version numbers for objects. Installation does not continue if the exported Domain file is not the latest.
  4. Run the install script from the OS directory as follows:
    sqlplus apps@LSH_target_database_server_name @path_of_cdrruwainstall.sql LSH_Application_Username Database_Directory_Name Zipped_Domain_Filename

    Enter the same values for the parameters that you did while running the import script. See Creating the Directory and Running the Import Script.

  5. The script adds the install-related messages to the import log file.