About Security in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

Before using the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub, you must set up Oracle LSH security.

You can continue to add to and modify security components as necessary over time. The basic tasks for setting up security are:

  • Create a user account for each user and assign one or more application roles to each user account. Application roles allow access to part or the whole of the Oracle LSH user interface or grant blinding privileges. See Setting Up User Accounts.
  • Assign specialized administrative roles to a few users. Each of these administrators must then perform a specific task: set up the classification system, create Domains to contain and organize objects, grant blind break and unblind privileges, or add users to user groups. See Setting Up Specialized Administrators.
  • Set up a security system for defined objects and outputs. See "Designing a Security System" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Implementation Guide for information on how to design a security system for the contents of the Life Sciences Data Hub: defined objects, outputs, and through them, data. Instructions are included in this chapter for creating the necessary subtypes, user groups, and object roles, and assigning roles to subtypes and user groups. See Setting Up Object Security.

Figure 9-1 shows how these tasks relate to each other.

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