About Services

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub includes adapters that allow users to define and run objects in external systems for manipulating and reporting Oracle LSH data.

Oracle LSH includes adapters that allow users to define and run objects in external systems for manipulating and reporting data.

To integrate Oracle LSH with these external systems in your company, you must define a service location for each computer where an external system you are using is installed. Within the service location definition you must define a service for each service type required by each external system installed there.

Some external systems have more than one predefined service type; for example, one service type to integrate the system for use as an integrated development environment (IDE) and another service type to integrate the external system for use as a processing engine. See Service Types for further information.

For each service, you must define one or more service instances. The number of service instances required, and their exact function, depends on the external technology and the service type. See Service Instances for further information.