13 Synchronizing an Apps Password Change

Much of the internal processing in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub is done by the Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) in the Oracle Applications schema.

When you change the password of the apps account, you must synchronize the change in OWB.
Oracle LSH includes a script for this purpose. To run the script, do the following:
  1. Log on to the database as apps.
  2. Go to $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql.
  3. Run the script cdrowbpwsynch.sql.
  4. When prompted, enter the username and password of the OWB repository owner.
  5. When prompted, enter the new apps password.
To change the apps schema password, use the FNDCPASS utility. For information, see the Oracle® E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B53825_08/current/acrobat/121sasg.pdf.